233 research outputs found


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    Chagas disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, has insects as its main vector of transmission to humans. It can cause cardiomegaly, which is characterized by cardiac hypertrophy, developed by several existing chronic cardiomyopathies. External factors such as lifestyle and obesity, as well as being overweight, lead to fatigue and tachycardia, consequently causing other pathologies such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus, which are also factors that can cause cardiomegaly. Hormonal problems such as hypothyroidism caused by a syndrome that decreases the levels of T3 and T4 below the normal limit, as well as the basal metabolic rate, can affect the cardiovascular system. The objective of this study is to show the importance of nursing care to patients with cardiomegaly describing its pathophysiology through a survey using as descriptors: Cardiomegaly, Hypertension, Obesity, Genetics and Chagas' disease.La enfermedad de chagas causada por el parásito Trypanosoma cruzi, cuyo principal vector de transmisión al ser humano son los insectos, ocasiona acardiomegalia que se caracteriza por hipertrofia cardíaca, desarrollada por variascardiopatías crónicas existentes, Entre ellas se encuentra la insuficiencia cardíaca que se traduce en una disminución del gasto cardíaco y una presión intracardíaca elevada, con insuficiencia cardíaca, que posteriormente conduce a la insuficiencia renal por disminución del volumen sanguíneo que lleva a la reducción morfofuncional que se mantiene durante períodos variables, y que disminuye la capacidad de los riñones para realizar sus funciones básicas. Factores externos como el estilo de vida y la obesidad, con un sobrepeso elevado que lleva a la fatiga, y la taquicardia, que consecuentemente lleva a otras enfermedades como la hipertensión y la diabetes mellitus son también factores que pueden llegar a causar cardiomegalia, junto con problemas hormonales como que tengan hipotiroidismo causado por un síndrome que disminuye los niveles de T3 y T4 por debajo del rango normal, por lo que con la disminución de la tasa metabólica basal puede llegar a afectar al sistema cardiovascular. que se realizó una encuesta utilizando como descriptores Cardiomegalia, Hipertensión, Obesidad, Genética, Enfermedades de Chagas.  A doença de chagas, causada pelo parasita Trypanosoma cruzi, tem como principal vetor de transmissão ao ser humano, os insetos.  Pode ocasionar a cardiomegalia, que é caracterizada pela hipertrofia cardíaca, desenvolvida por várias cardiomiopatias crônicas já existentes. Fatores externos como estilo de vida e a obesidade, assim como o sobrepeso, levam à fadiga e taquicardia, consequentemente ocasionando outras patologias como hipertensão arterial e diabetes melitus  que também são fatores que podem causar a cardiomegalia. Problemas hormonais como  o hipotireoidismo causado por uma síndrome que diminui os níveis de T3 e T4 abaixo do limite da normalidade, assim com a taxa metabólica basal, podendo acometer o aparelho cardiovascular. O objetivo desse estudo é mostrar a importância da assistência da enfermagem aos pacientes com cardiomegalia descrevendo suas fisiopatologias através de um levantamento utilizando como descritores: Cardiomegalia, Hipertensão, Obesidade, Genética e Doenças de chagas.A doença de chagas, causada pelo parasita Trypanosoma cruzi, tem como principal vetor de transmissão ao ser humano, os insetos.  Pode ocasionar a cardiomegalia, que é caracterizada pela hipertrofia cardíaca, desenvolvida por várias cardiomiopatias crônicas já existentes. Fatores externos como estilo de vida e a obesidade, assim como o sobrepeso, levam à fadiga e taquicardia, consequentemente ocasionando outras patologias como hipertensão arterial e diabetes melitus  que também são fatores que podem causar a cardiomegalia. Problemas hormonais como  o hipotireoidismo causado por uma síndrome que diminui os níveis de T3 e T4 abaixo do limite da normalidade, assim com a taxa metabólica basal, podendo acometer o aparelho cardiovascular. O objetivo desse estudo é mostrar a importância da assistência da enfermagem aos pacientes com cardiomegalia descrevendo suas fisiopatologias através de um levantamento utilizando como descritores: Cardiomegalia, Hipertensão, Obesidade, Genética e Doenças de chagas

    Fitting the incidence data from the city of Campinas, Brazil, based on dengue transmission modellings considering time-dependent entomological parameters

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    FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFour time-dependent dengue transmission models are considered in order to fit the incidence data from the City of Campinas, Brazil, recorded from October 1st 1995 to September 30th 2012. The entomological parameters are allowed to depend on temperature and precipitation, while the carrying capacity and the hatching of eggs depend only on precipitation. The whole period of incidence of dengue is split into four periods, due to the fact that the model is formulated considering the circulation of only one serotype. Dengue transmission parameters from human to mosquito and mosquito to human are fitted for each one of the periods. The time varying partial and overall effective reproduction numbers are obtained to explain the incidence of dengue provided by the models.Four time-dependent dengue transmission models are considered in order to fit the incidence data from the City of Campinas, Brazil, recorded from October 1st 1995 to September 30th 2012. The entomological parameters are allowed to depend on temperature and precipitation, while the carrying capacity and the hatching of eggs depend only on precipitation. The whole period of incidence of dengue is split into four periods, due to the fact that the model is formulated considering the circulation of only one serotype. Dengue transmission parameters from human to mosquito and mosquito to human are fitted for each one of the periods. The time varying partial and overall effective reproduction numbers are obtained to explain the incidence of dengue provided by the models113FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO2009/15098-

    SPH fluids for viscous jet buckling

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    We present a novel meshfree technique for animating\ud free surface viscous liquids with jet buckling effects, such as\ud coiling and folding. Our technique is based on Smoothed Particle\ud Hydrodynamics (SPH) fluids and allows more realistic and\ud complex viscous behaviors than the preceding SPH frameworks\ud in computer animation literature. The viscous liquid is modeled\ud by a non-Newtonian fluid flow and the variable viscosity under\ud shear stress is achieved using a viscosity model known as Cross\ud model. The proposed technique is efficient and stable, and our\ud framework can animate scenarios with high resolution of SPH\ud particles in which the simulation speed is significantly accelerated\ud by using Computer Unified Device Architecture (CUDA)\ud computing platform. This work also includes several examples\ud that demonstrate the ability of our technique.FAPESP - processos nos. 2013/19760-5 e 2014/11981-5FAPES - processos no. 53600100/11CNP

    Plasmodium vivax malaria elimination : should innovative ideas from the past be revisited?

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    In the 1950s, the strategy of adding chloroquine to food salt as a prophylaxis against malaria was considered to be a successful tool. However, with the development of Plasmodium resistance in the Brazilian Amazon, this control strategy was abandoned. More than 50 years later, asexual stage resistance can be avoided by screening for antimalarial drugs that have a selective action against gametocytes, thus old prophylactic measures can be revisited. The efficacy of the old methods should be tested as complementary tools for the elimination of malaria

    A função da prostaglandina F2α na ovulação e na liberação de LH em vacas

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o papel da prostaglandina F2α (PGF) na ovulação. No Experimento 1, as vacas foram alocadas aleatoriamente em dois tratamentos para receber 150 μg de d-Cloprostenol (Grupo PGF, n = 12) ou 2 mL de NaCl 0,9% (Grupo Controle, n = 11) e os CIDR, foram removidos 4 dias depois. Nenhuma vaca ovulou nos grupos Controle e PGF. No Experimento 2, as vacas foram separadas aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais para receber 4 injeções de 150 μg de d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) ou 2 mL de NaCL 0,9% (n = 9). Não foi observada ovulação em nenhum dos animais deste experimento. No Experimento 3, vacas ovariectomizadas receberam três injeções de 300μg de análogo de PGF (Grupo PGF, n = 5), 100μg de Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 5) ou 2 mL de PBS (Grupo Controle, n = 4). A concentração de LH foi maior (P <0,0001) nas vacas do grupo GnRH do que nos grupos PGF e Controle. No Experimento 4, vacas com folículos pré-ovulatórios (> 11,5 mm) foram tratadas com solução salina (Grupo Controle, n = 6), Lecirelina (Grupo GnRH, n = 7) ou Cloprostenol Sódico (Grupo PGF, n = 6). Houve um aumento significativo na área vascular dos folículos de 0 a 24h nos tratamentos com GnRH e PGF. Em conclusão, a PGF não foi capaz de induzir ovulação em vacas com alta ou baixa concentração plasmática de progesterona. Além disso, a PGF sozinha não foi capaz de induzir a liberação de LH e a luteinização do folículo, mas aumentou a vascularização folicular.This study aimed to evaluate the role of prostaglandin F2α (PGF) on ovulation. In Experiment 1, cows were randomly allocated to two treatments to receive 150 μg of d-Cloprostenol (PGF Group, n = 12) or 2 mL of NaCl 0.9% (Control Group, n = 11) and CIDRs, were removed 4 days later. No cow ovulated in Control and PGF groups. In Experiment 2, cows were randomly separated into two experimental groups to receive 4 injections of 150 μg of d-Cloprostenol (n = 9) or 2 mL of NaCL 0.9% (n = 9). In this experiment, ovulation was not observed in any cows. In Experiment 3, ovariectomized cows receive three injections of 300μg of PGF analog (PGF Group, n = 5), 100μg of Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 5) or 2 mL of PBS (Control Group, n = 4). The LH concentration was higher (P <0.0001) in cows from the GnRH group than in the PGF and Control groups. In experiment 4, cows with preovulatory follicles (>11.5 mm) were treated with Saline (Control Group, n = 6); Lecirelin (GnRH Group, n = 7) or Cloprostenol Sodium (PGF Group, n = 6). There was a significant increase in the vascular area of follicles from 0 to 24 h in GnRH and PGF treatments. In conclusion, PGF was not able to induce ovulation in cows with high or low plasma progesterone concentration. Additionally, PGF alone was not able to induce LH release and follicle luteinization, but increased follicular vascularization

    Clinical outcomes at 30 days in the brazilian registry of acute coronary syndromes (ACCEPT)

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    FUNDAMENTO: São escassos os registros documentando a prática clínica brasileira na vigência de uma síndrome coronária aguda. OBJETIVOS: Descrição da demografia, ocorrência de desfechos graves e análise comparativa dentre aqueles que efetivaram ou não uma estratégia invasiva (cinecoronariografia e revascularização miocárdica) em um registro brasileiro multicêntrico de portadores de uma síndrome coronária aguda. MÉTODOS: O registro ACCEPT/SBC coletou prospectivamente, em 47 centros hospitalares brasileiros, pacientes na vigência de uma síndrome coronária aguda. Apresentamos a ocorrência de desfechos clínicos graves, de modo integral, e de acordo com a submissão ou não a um procedimento de revascularização do miocárdio ao final dos primeiros 30 dias de seguimento. RESULTADOS: De agosto de 2010 até dezembro de 2011, 2.485 pacientes foram incluídos neste registro. Destes, 31,6% eram portadores de angina instável e 34,9% e 33,4%, com síndrome sem e com supradesnível do segmento ST. Aos 30 dias, a submissão a procedimento de revascularização do miocárdio foi progressivamente maior de acordo com a gravidade da apresentação clínica (38,7% versus 53,6% versus 77,7%; p < 0,001). A ocorrência de mortalidade cardíaca, dentre aqueles submetidos ou não à revascularização miocárdica, foi de 1,0% versus 2,3% (p = 0,268), 1,9% versus 4,2% (p = 0,070) e 2,0% versus 8,1% (p < 0,001), angina instável, síndrome sem e com supradesnível do segmento ST, respectivamente. CONCLUSÕES: A prescrição de revascularização do miocárdio foi progressivamente mais frequente de acordo com a gravidade da apresentação clínica; naqueles atendidos na vigência de síndrome coronária sem e com supradesnível do segmento ST, promoveu tendência e redução significativa da mortalidade, aos 30 dias, respectivamente. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: There are few registries documenting clinical practice in Brazilian patients with acute coronary syndrome. OBJECTIVES: Demography description, occurrence of major clinical adverse events and comparative analysis in patients submitted or not to an invasive strategy (coronary angiography and myocardial revascularization) in a Brazilian multicenter registry of acute coronary syndrome. METHODS: The ACCEPT/SBC registry prospectively collected data on acute coronary syndrome patients from 47 Brazilian hospitals. The current analysis reports the occurrence of major clinical outcomes and according to the performance or not of a procedure for myocardial revascularization at the end of 30 day follow-up. RESULTS: Between August 2010 and December 2011, 2.485 patients were enrolled in this registry. Of these, 31.6% had unstable angina, 34.9% and 33.4% had acute coronary syndrome without and with ST-segment elevation. At 30 days, the performance of a myocardial revascularization procedure was progressively higher according to the severity of clinical presentation (38.7% vs. 53.6% vs. 77.7%, p < 0.001). Cardiac mortality among those submitted or not to myocardial revascularization procedure was 1.0% vs. 2.3% (p = 0.268), 1.9% vs. 4.2% (p = 0.070) and 2.0% vs. 8.1% (p < 0.001), in those with unstable angina, acute coronary syndrome without and with ST-segment elevation, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The prescription of a myocardial revascularization procedure was progressively more frequent according to the severity of clinical presentation; for those treated during acute coronary syndrome without and with ST-segment elevation, there was a trend and significant decrease in mortality rate at 30 day of follow-up, respectively

    Integrating the pastoral component in agricultural systems

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    This paper aims to discuss the impact of the introduction of pastures and grazing animals in agricultural systems. For the purposes of this manuscript, we focus on within-farm integrated crop-livestock systems (ICLS), typical of Southern Brazil. These ICLS are designed to create and enhance the synergisms and emergent properties have arisen from agricultural areas where livestock activities are integrated with crops. We show that the introduction of the crop component will affect less the preceding condition than the introduction of the livestock component. While the introduction of crops in pastoral systems represents increasing diversity of the plant component, the introduction of animals would represent the entry of new flows and interactions within the system. Thus, given the new complexity levels achieved from the introduction of grazing, the probability of arising emergent properties is theoretically much higher. However, grazing management is vital in determining the success or failure of such initiative. The grazing intensity practiced during the pasture phase would affect the canopy structure and the forage availability to animals. In adequate and moderate grazing intensities, it is possible to affirm that livestock combined with crops (ICLS) has a potential positive impact. As important as the improvements that grazing animals can generate to the soil-plant components, the economic resilience remarkably increases when pasture rotations are introduced compared with purely agriculture systems, particularly in climate-risk situations. Thus, the integration of the pastoral component can enhance the sustainable intensification of food production, but it modifies simple, pure agricultural systems into more complex and knowledge-demanding production systems

    An overview of migratory birds in Brazil

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    We reviewed the occurrences and distributional patterns of migratory species of birds in Brazil. A species was classified as migratory when at least part of its population performs cyclical, seasonal movements with high fidelity to its breeding grounds. Of the 1,919 species of birds recorded in Brazil, 198 (10.3%) are migratory. Of these, 127 (64%) were classified as Migratory and 71 (36%) as Partially Migratory. A few species (83; 4.3%) were classified as Vagrant and eight (0,4%) species could not be defined due to limited information available, or due to conflicting data.Fil: Somenzari, Marina. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Amaral, Priscilla Prudente do. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Cueto, Víctor. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagóica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Facultad de Ciencias Naturales - Sede Esquel. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: Guaraldo, André de Camargo. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Jahn, Alex. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Lima, Diego Mendes. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Lima, Pedro Cerqueira. Fundação BioBrasil; BrasilFil: Lugarini, Camile. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Machado, Caio Graco. Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana; BrasilFil: Martinez, Jaime. Universidade de Passo Fundo; BrasilFil: do Nascimento, João Luiz Xavier. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Pacheco, José Fernando. Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos; BrasilFil: Paludo, Danielle. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Prestes, Nêmora Pauletti. Universidade de Passo Fundo; BrasilFil: Serafini, Patrícia Pereira. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Silveira, Luís Fábio. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: de Sousa, Antônio Emanuel Barreto Alves. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: de Sousa, Nathália Alves. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: de Souza, Manuella Andrade. Centro Nacional de Pesquisa e Conservação de Aves Silvestres. Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade; BrasilFil: Telino-Júnior, Wallace Rodrigues. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; BrasilFil: Whitney, Bret Myers. State University of Louisiana; Estados Unido

    Patrimônio e desenvolvimento: as políticas de patrimônio cultural nos anos 1960

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    This article aims at analyzing aspects of 1960s Brazilian cultural heritage policies, highlighting changes related to the articulation of concepts such as development, culture and heritage within the Directory of National Historical and Artistic Heritage - DPHAN, today Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). It discusses the effects of industrialization, urban growth and development improvement measures on heritage concepts and policies, analyzing initiatives that focus on preserving cultural assets acknowledged as national historical and artistic heritage and enhancing their economical potential. The discussion emphasizes notions and understandings on heritage and preservation that had substantial bearing on preservation measures carried on by DPHAN from the 1960s on regarding the identification, valorization and protection of cultural heritage, as well as the disciplinary and institutional debates this Directory proposed.O objetivo deste artigo é analisar especificidades dos anos 1960 no que diz respeito às políticas de patrimônio, destacando algumas mudanças de entendimentos, noções e propostas, notadamente referentes às relações entre desenvolvimento, cultura e patrimônio trabalhadas pelo Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional, então Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional (DPHAN). Para tanto, vai-se partir das discussões e debates desse momento acerca dos efeitos da industrialização, do crescimento urbano e das políticas desenvolvimentistas sobre as políticas de patrimônio a partir dessa década, analisando as iniciativas voltadas à patrimonialização de bens culturais, à preservação do acervo que compunha o patrimônio histórico e artístico nacional e ao fomento de suas potencialidades econômicas. Na discussão proposta neste artigo, priorizar-se-ão os entendimentos e ações de preservação da DPHAN relacionados a identificação, valoração e proteção dos bens culturais, assim como os diálogos disciplinares e institucionais que a diretoria procurou estabelecer

    Health-related quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus in the different geographical regions of Brazil : data from the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group

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    Background: In type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) management, enhancing health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is as important as good metabolic control and prevention of secondary complications. This study aims to evaluate possible regional differences in HRQoL, demographic features and clinical characteristics of patients with T1DM in Brazil, a country of continental proportions, as well as investigate which variables could influence the HRQoL of these individuals and contribute to these regional disparities. Methods: This was a retrospective, cross-sectional, multicenter study performed by the Brazilian Type 1 Diabetes Study Group (BrazDiab1SG), by analyzing EuroQol scores from 3005 participants with T1DM, in 28 public clinics, among all geographical regions of Brazil. Data on demography, economic status, chronic complications, glycemic control and lipid profile were also collected. Results: We have found that the North-Northeast region presents a higher index in the assessment of the overall health status (EQ-VAS) compared to the Southeast (74.6 ± 30 and 70.4 ± 19, respectively; p < 0.05). In addition, North- Northeast presented a lower frequency of self-reported anxiety-depression compared to all regions of the country (North-Northeast: 1.53 ± 0.6; Southeast: 1.65 ± 0.7; South: 1.72 ± 0.7; Midwest: 1.67 ± 0.7; p < 0.05). These findings could not be entirely explained by the HbA1c levels or the other variables examined. Conclusions: Our study points to the existence of additional factors not yet evaluated that could be determinant in the HRQoL of people with T1DM and contribute to these regional disparities